6 Things NOT To Do As A Recent Ex-Girlfriend
Getting over a guy is so hard! But what's even harder is not doing anything crazy. Here are some things I learned from my recent breakup
Let's Be Honest, Motivating is HARD
I don't know about you but I feel stuck. I feel like I'm making progress but I feel stuck at the same time. I just don't know where to go...
November Spice: Thanksgiving Detox Tea
I don't know about you guys but I ate A TON of food yesterday! And now I have all the leftovers to go through, which, to tell you the...
Thanksgiving Traditions
Every holiday comes with it's own traditions. For example, my family always goes to church on Easter. Or when I was younger, my dad would...
Thank the Thankful
A warm blanket. A comfy couch. A candle or two. Some fun clothes. Some nice shoes. Some family food. A laptop. A tablet. An iphone (cause...
November Spice: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
Thanksgiving is almost here and I don't know about you guys, but I have been super busy this week! So what better way to relax than...
Moments in Time
I scroll down my social media feed. A smile here. A smile there. A fun adventure and people laughing. Fuzzy animals. Fuzzy socks. And...