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"The Broken"

I can't get this thought out of my head "the truly broken are the pure".

This weekend my dad and I went and saw "Glass" in theaters (really good btw) and because he hadn't seen "Split", we ended up watching that movie as well this weekend (we went a little out of order, but that's ok). The end scene of "Split" has resonated in my head since the first time I saw it in 2016. In fact, I wrote a paper about it in college. But that last line has stuck with me all this time and having rewatched "Split" this weekend, I just knew I needed to re-explore that concept of brokenness and being pure.

What was M Knight Shyamalan getting at when he decided to center his movie around this idea? What does it mean for the broken to be the pure? For those who have suffered and know pain to rejoice and inherit the earth. I mean, if you've seen "Split", don't get me wrong, I don't align with the philosophies of The Beast and wouldn't call myself a member of The Hord, but I believe there is a point here that needs to be explored.

See, I think I resonate with this so much because I, myself, am broken. I have had people do things to me that can only be described as unwarranted and hurtful. And I'm not claiming to be "the most broken", for there is no scale of brokenness in my book. Most people's suffering is greater than mine, I've been fortunate to live a very blessed life, but that does not minimize the suffering and hurt I have been through. It is an individual experience. I can't presume to know or understand your suffering and you can't presume to know mine. But that's not the point. The point is, we are all broken. We have all experienced suffering. We have all experienced hurt. We have all experienced hardship.

So what does that mean for us? What does that mean for me as a broken individual?

I think it means that we are stronger because of our suffering. When we overcome that hurt, that hardship, that injustice, we become more than who we were before that. We become stronger. But when you look at that aspect of pureness in regards to suffering, that's where my mind starts spinning. How could suffering produce pureness? And I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question. But what I can put together is that I am exactly who I need to be today because of what I've gone through yesterday. And hopefully I'll be more of who I need to be tomorrow because of what I go through today. And I believe that pureness only comes through redemption through Jesus Christ who, I fundamentally believe died for me, taking on my hardship, my pain, my suffering unnecessarily so that He can align Himself with me, taking on my load so that He can make me pure. And that's what I believe. That's where my philosophies and beliefs differ from The Hord (thank goodness because I would be the last person who would ever kill people in order for them to reach their full potential...that's wrong).

I don't know if any of you resonate with this or have even seen "Split" and know what I'm talking about but it's just been something on my mind and I needed to get it out there that being broken is better than never knowing pain because it means you're human. It means you are more that what's on the surface. It means you can be yourself without fear of ridicule,

judgement, and exclusion because you are not the only one that is broken.

You are fully you. And I am fully me. Don't be ashamed of it.

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