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Here's To Hoping

Hope. It's a weird word. It's a weird concept. I hate those abstract concepts that you can't grasp. They're so nebulous, how are you supposed to understand them practically? And how are you supposed to build up something like hope? I guess hope is a little easier to "build up" cause you either hope in something or you don't. But something like trust is a weird one to build up. But that's a topic for a different time. Since Christmas is right around the corner, I want to talk about hope.

I'm a Christian and place my hope in the fact that Jesus died for me so that I can have a relationship with my Creator from here unto eternity in heaven. But I was thinking, what do others put their hope in? And how does that hope effect how they interact with others? Does it make them greedy? Does it make them giving? Does it make them a hypocrite like most people attribute to Christians?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is what does hope mean for you? We are in the season of hope and I'm just curious what people place their hope in and how that works out for them. Cause I know there are so many things that I have hoped in that have all let me down and I feel like after a while it just gets defeating and exhausting but maybe I was just doing something wrong. I do know that my hope in God has been consistent though and He has never let me personally down.

What do you hope in? And how does that effect how you live? I'd love to hear in the comments on the life homepage. Thanks for reading my little rant and I will talk to you guys in my post this Friday where I will be showing you the best cookie recipe for the holidays. Hope you have a great Wednesday!

Love, Taylor

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