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As social media has climbed, so has this feeling of being #basic. And I hate that. I'm a part of the millennial generation and we are a weird generation to say the least. We grew up with this notion that we are all individuals, yet we classify each other as #basic for being ourselves.

I live by the beach. I take every opportunity I can to be barefoot. I love cool coffee shops with atmosphere, especially when I'm working creatively. And I love yoga. All of these are mostly classified as #basic. Well guess what, I love all of those things. That's who I am. So if I'm quote on quote basic, then I am going to embrace my "#basic" self to the best of my abilities.

But what's important is that all of these #basic qualities, combined together, make me so much more than #basic. I am unique because I can't be classified by one like or dislike. For example, I will, on occasion, listen to heavy metal rock, and on the opposite side, Disney songs. I love reading, and on the opposite sides, I love rock climbing and hiking and being around people. You can't say someone is #basic because they know themselves well enough to know their likes and dislikes. That's just ridiculous. Because if that's true, then we are all #basic. And I definitely know there are some people out there that will fight tooth and nail to avoid being classified as basic. But how does that add to their lives. It doesn't. It only stops them from being authentically themselves.

There's an unspoken benefit to liking things that are #basic. They are #basic for a reason and that's because many people like that particular thing. So if many people like that, then it creates a basis for community. It helps us connect with one another. And that's such a cool thing. If I find someone who likes yoga, like I do, that's awesome! Liking things that are basic is not basic at all. It's authentic. So I say, like what you like and don't let others tell you you're #basic because of it. Because you're not. You are authentically you. Stay that way.

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